
View the Project on GitHub TheBrows/LiveColor

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Team Members

Paige Riola

Hi! I'm an aspiring software developer and hobby artist whose interest happened to collide into this idea that I was somehow bold enough to pitch in my software design class and this happenned! I live and breathe Scrum. My favorite color is .

Gabriella Lindsey

I am a software engineer with a focus in data visualization and web development. Working on LiveColor taught me a lot about being a member of a development team and as overall a really great experience. My favorite color in the app is .

Dustin Seltz

I'm a software developer and have enjoyed learning how to create an Andriod app with the LiveColor team. My favorite color is , a rich purple.

Daniel Luft-Martinez

I love AI and automation, so naturally I chose to help with UI on a color picking app. I very much enjoy developing with friends, even if it's outside of my comfort zone. My favorite color in the app is called a deep dark green.

Shealtiel Mulder

I enjoy creating beautiful UI experiences and using programming to solve unique problems. I am very grateful for the opportunity to work on this project alongside my colleagues and friends. My favourite color in the app is called what a silly name!

Melanie Wong

I’m interested in learning and applying modern technologies such as mobile development and cloud computing to create meaningful experiences for users. My favorite color from the app is called .

Andrew Tran

I am a software engineer with interest in backend development. LiveColor was the first project that I had ever worked on and the memories and experiences are things that I will always cherish. I'm thankful for everyone on this team for making this application a great one. My favorite color on this app is .